
Suraksha, the sexual health programme also known as the Targeted Intervention (TI) is one of the main activities envisaged under NACP II. The Suraksha Program is designed to reduce the rate of transmission among the most vulnerable and marginalized population. It is a comprehensive and integrated approach for behaviour change among marginalized and vulnerable populations such as commercial sex workers (CSW), injecting drug users (IDU), men having sex with men (MSM), truckers, migrant labor, street children etc.

The Suraksha programme is implemented by the Community Based Organisations (CBO) and Non Governmental Organisations (NGO). The programme concept envisages a joint effort of key players like Department for International Development (DFID), National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Kerala State AIDS Control Society (KSACS), Community Based Organizations, Panchayath Raj Institutions (PRI), Non-Government Organizations, industries and plantations.

The focus of the program is progressive Behaviour stregthening to ensure sexual health through behaviour change communication interventions, STD Care, Condom programming, enabling environment and empowering them to take care of their health needs.

As on April 2007, the State is implementing 33 Suraksha projects. Out of 33 projects six projects are being implemented by CBOs and 27 by NGOs. The Suraksha programme focuses on sexual minorities like as commercial sex workers (CSW), injecting drug users (IDU) and men having sex with men (MSM)

Objectives of Suraksha


Creating sustainable Behaviour change towards safer sex practices among the target groups

Promoting health seeking Behaviour among target people

Strengthening the systems of the state in addressing the issue.

Components of Suraksha: the Sexual Health Programme implemented by the Govt of Kerala

Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) & Peer Education

STD Management & Counseling

Condom programming

Creation of Enabling Environment and

Community Mobilization

Institutional Mechanism for Implementing Suraksha Programme

Addresses of Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations
