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Blood banking is a prime need for ensuring the safe use of blood and its components. There is constant pressure on blood banks for meeting the high demand of blood. In order to meet this demand, blood banks are constantly striving toward all round improvement. is an official Website that maintains exclusive Blood Donors Directory. This site aims at improving safe blood transfusion among Keralites. Nowadays many people suffer for the lack of information about Blood donors. Our aim is to provide information about blood donors and give support to blood seekers. A person who wishes to register his/her name as a potential blood donor  can do it online by giving the information regarding name, age, address, telephone number, email address and blood group.
As a government agency committed to the blood safety programme Kerala State AIDS Control Society is making considerable efforts to maintain the quality of blood available for transfusion by promoting better labeling and tracking information on blood donors, donation dates, expiration dates, and more.  Implementation of the project-Voluntary Blood Donors Directory is initiated with active participation and co-operation of officers of Kerala State AIDS Control Society.
We are thankful to IMA, NYK, hospitals, voluntary associations, clubs, schools, colleges and individuals who are providing the data of voluntary blood donors and who practice the principle of voluntarism for saving lives.
We place on record our gratitude to all officials and non-officials who have helped to take this initiative of bringing out a voluntary Blood Donors Directory of Kerala. We request and appeal to all interested in voluntary blood donation to register, donate blood and help to save lives.

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